《Response mechanisms of different antibiotic-resistant bacteria with different resistance action targets to the stress from photocatalytic oxidation》

Graphical Abstract:

The stress response of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) and the spread of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) pose a serious threat to the aquatic environment and human beings. This study mainly explored the effect of the heterogeneous photocatalytic oxidation (UVA-TiO2system) on the stress response mechanism of ARB with different antibiotic resistance action targets, including the cell wall, proteins, DNA, RNA, folate and the cell membrane. Results indicate that the stress response mechanism of tetracycline- and sulfamethoxazole-resistantE. coliDH5α, which targets the synthesis of protein and folate, could rapidly induce global regulators by the overexpression of relative antibiotic resistance action target genes. Different stress response systems were mediated via cross-protection mechanism, causing stronger tolerance to an adverse environment than other ARB. Moreover, the photocatalytic inactivation mechanism of bacterial cells and a graded response of cellular stress mechanism caused differences in the intensity of the stress mechanism of antibiotic resistance action targets.E. coliDH5α resistant to cefotaxime and polymyxin, targeting synthesis of the cell wall and cell membrane, respectively, could confer greater advantages to bacterial survival and higher conjugative transfer frequency thanE. coliDH5α resistant to nalidixic acid and rifampicin, which target the synthesis of DNA and RNA, respectively. This new perspective provides detailed information on the practical application of photocatalytic oxidation for inactivating ARB and hampering the spreading of ARGs in the aquatic environment.