《Photocatalytic inactivation technologies for bioaerosols: advance and perspective》
Website: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2023/ey/d3ey00179b
Graphical Abstract:

Bioaerosol control systems are urgently needed to inactivate airborne pathogenic microorganisms to avoid secondary contamination. Recently, with increasing studies on the characteristics of bioaerosols, researchers have a better understanding of bioaerosols, which promotes the development of bioaerosol control technology. Bioaerosol photocatalytic inactivation technology shows superiority of excellent oxidation capacity, environmental friendliness, no secondary contaminations, and good compatibility. However, very few available studies comprehensively summarized and presented the state of bioaerosol photocatalytic inactivation technology. This article mainly reviewed the recent advances in the advanced materials, combined technologies, carriers & reactors, applications and the performance evaluations of photocatalytic inactivation technology. The efficiency, advantages and disadvantages of these factors are comprehensively discussed. This review also highlights the practical applications, addresses the challenges, and provides a perspective on bioaerosol photocatalytic inactivation for future research.