Occupational workers and residents near petrochemical industry facilities are exposed to multiple contaminants on a daily basis. However, little is known about the co-exposure effects of different pollutants based on biotransformation. The study examined benzo[a]pyrene (BaP), a representative polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon related to the petrochemical industry, to investigate changes in toxicity and co-exposure mechanism associated with different monoaromatic hydrocarbons (MAHs). A central composite design method was used to simulate site co-exposure scenarios to reveal biotransformation of BaP when co-exposed with benzene, toluene, chlorobenzene, or nitrobenzene in microsome systems. BaP metabolism depended on MAH concentration, and association of MAH with microsome concentration/incubation time. Particularly, MAH co-exposure negatively affected BaP glucuronidation, an important phase Ⅱ detoxification process. BaP metabolite intensities decreased to 43%–80% for OH–BaP-G, and 32%–71% for diOH-BaP-G in co-exposure system with MAHs, compared with control group. Furthermore, glucuronidation was affected by competitive and time-dependent inhibition. Co-exposure significantly decreased gene expression of UGT 1A10 and BCRP/ABCG2 in HepG2 cells, which are involved in BaP detoxification through metabolism and transmembrane transportation. Therefore, human co-exposure to multiple contaminants may deteriorate toxic effects of these chemicals by disturbing metabolic pathways. This study provides a reference for assessing toxic effects and co-exposure risks of pollutants.
Paper 2:
《Combined exposure of MAHs and PAHs enhanced amino acid and lipid metabolism disruption in epithelium leading asthma risk, Environmental Pollution》

Website: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2023.123261
Graphical Abstract :

Monoaromatic hydrocarbons (MAHs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are ubiquitous air pollutants from industry, with multiple adverse effects on respiratory system. However, the underlying mechanisms of their mixture to induce asthma is still unclear. Here, we examined mixture of 8 MAHs, mixture of 16 PAHs and a total mixture (MIX) on human bronchial epithelial (16-HBE) cells. Exposure to MIX resulted in increased expressions of asthma alarm cytokines (TSLP, IL-25 and IL-33), indicating potential asthma risk. Exposure to MIX led to significant upregulation of transcriptional level of oxidative stress and inflammation biomarkers through aryl hydrocarbon receptor activation, including SOD-2, NQO-1, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8 with 3.1, 19.9, 3.5, 23.4, 18.7, 28.1-fold change, indicated asthma related epithelial cell lesions. A total of 25, 49 and 59 differential metabolites were identified in cells response to MAH, PAH and MIX exposure, respectively, and enrichment analysis demonstrated MIX exposure disturbing alanine, aspartate and glutamate metabolism, glutathione metabolism, methionine metabolism and sphingolipid metabolism, involved in antioxidative defense and inflammation response. Combined exposure of MAHs and PAHs may result in increased toxic risks, and provide evidence to asthma onset and deterioration.