近日,广东工业大学环境健康与污染控制研究院、环境科学与工程学院安太成教授团队在大气有机胺方面取得最新综述性研究进展,研究成果以《A new advance in pollution profile, transformation process, and contribution to aerosol formation and aging of atmospheric amines》为题发表在Environmental Science: Atmospheres (2023, 3, 444-473; https://doi.org/10.1039/D2EA00167E) 期刊上。论文的第一作者为硕士生沈欣霖,通讯作者为安太成教授。在这项综述论文中,作者主要综述了大气有机胺的来源和汇、氧化转化机制及其对大气气溶胶形成和气候演变的影响。首先,该工作系统综述了近10年大气有机胺的污染概况和来源解析方面的进展。对一些新发现的大气有机胺的来源进行了相应梳理,同时对目前大气有机胺的监测方法进行了系统总结。其次,讨论了有机胺与各种活性自由基在大气中的氧化反应机理,提出有机胺与氧化剂发生初始反应后会通过双分子反应或自氧化反应被去除。第三,结合现场监测、实验室实验和理论计算的数据,论证了有机胺可以通过促进新粒子形成、直接溶解、酸碱反应及置换反应等对气溶胶的形成具有重要贡献。其中,发现胺促进醛快速生成棕碳、增强粒子吸湿性和活化云凝结核的能力会对气候有不可忽略的影响。综上所述,本综述为有机胺的大气源汇关系以及它们对大气颗粒物的形成和气候的影响提供了一些新的见解和观点。希望为今后大气有机胺的研究提供良好的参考。
论文的网址: https://doi.org/10.1039/D2EA00167E
Amines, formed with the replacement of hydrogen atoms by NH3 molecules of volatile organic compounds, possess distinctive properties of alkalinity, volatility, water-solubility and oxidability, and attract more and more attentions due to significant contributions to atmospheric pollution during past few decades. To understand the environmental behaviors of amines in the atmospheric pollution process, this review mainly summarizes new advance in sources and sinks of amines and their effects on atmospheric particulate matter (PM) formation and climate evolution within last decade. First, the pollution profiles and sources identification of amines are summarized. Some newfound sources of amines are correspondingly updated. Meanwhile, the current monitoring methods of amines are also evaluated. Second, the atmospheric oxidation reaction mechanisms of amines with various active radicals are discussed. Third, the combined data of field monitoring, laboratory experiments and theoretical calculations verified that amines contribute significantly to aerosol particles, including oxidation product condensation, direct dissolution, acid-base reaction and replacement reaction. Besides, we discussed how amine affect climate directly or indirectly by generating brown carbon in PM, enhancing hygroscopicity, and activating cloud condensation nuclei. In all, the review provides new insights into the overall atmospheric circulation and final fate of amines as well as their effects on atmospheric aerosol particles formation and climate.
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