近日,广东工业大学环境健康与污染控制研究院、环境科学与工程学院安太成教授团队与法国里昂催化与环境研究所Christian George教授团队合作在非均相界面化学方面取得最新研究进展,研究成果以《Spontaneous Iodide Activation at the Air−Water Interface of Aqueous Droplets》为题在Environmental Science & Technology(2023, 57, 15580-15587)期刊上接收发表,其中广东工业大学为第一通讯单位。该研究工作通过严格的对照实验,明确解析了含碘离子水-气界面处可自发生成碘原子的机理;且通过改变将体相NaI溶液雾化成微液滴的雾化气体组成等实验条件,阐述了微液滴水-气界面上活性碘物种的自发生成机制。总的来说,由于海洋大气环境中含卤素离子液滴的普遍存在,该研究工作可为大气环境中活性卤素物种的来源及其影响提供新的思路和研究方法。
论文网址: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.3c05777
We present experimental evidence that atomic and molecular iodine, I and I2, are produced spontaneously in the dark at the air−water interface of iodide-containing droplets without any added catalysts, oxidants, or irradiation. Specifically, we observe I3- formation within droplets, and I2 emission into the gas phase from NaI-containing droplets over a range of droplet sizes. The formation of both products is enhanced in the presence of electron scavengers, either in the gas phase or in solution, and it clearly follows a Langmuir−Hinshelwood mechanism, suggesting an interfacial process. These observations are consistent with iodide oxidation at the interface, possibly initiated by the strong intrinsic electric field present there, followed by well-known solution-phase reactions of the iodine atom. This interfacial chemistry could be important in many contexts, including atmospheric aerosols.
上一条:我室张卫平副教授等在Environ. Sci. Nano上发表有关碳纤维上VOCs吸附-再生性能和失活机制方面的最新学术论文 下一条:我室彭灵慧副教授等在EES Catalysis杂志上发表“生物气溶胶光催化灭活技术: 进展与展望”的最新综述论文