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我室博士后蔡仪威等在Environ. Int.期刊上发表近海养殖水体滋生和传播抗生素耐药致病菌方面的最新学术论文

发布日期:2024-05-21              点击:

近日,广东工业大学环境健康与污染控制研究院、环境科学与工程学院安太成教授团队在近海养殖水体滋生和传播抗生素耐药致病菌的方面取得重要进展。研究成果以《Mariculture waters as yet another hotbed for the creation and transfer of new antibiotic-resistant pathogenome, 2024, 187, 108704》为题,于近期发表在Environment International期刊上。论文的主要作者为我院博士后蔡仪威和陈春亮硕士等,通讯作者为安太成教授,广东工业大学为论文的第一单位。


随着全球水产养殖规模的快速增长,大量抗生素被投用到水产养殖环境以治疗水产病害,这可能会加速抗生素耐药细菌(ARB)和耐药基因(ARGs)的诱导与传播。本研究使用宏基因组与16S rRNA等组学手段,联合分析了来自中国南海近海5000公里海岸线上的海产养殖水体的致病组、抗生素抗性组和可移动组的赋存及共现模式。通过宏基因组共鉴定到207种致病菌,其中活的可培养的致病菌仅鉴定到10种,近海养殖水体中的致病菌种类要多于非养殖区对照海水,说明近海养殖水体更容易成为不可培养致病菌的储存库。此外,还鉴定出21种ARGs的913个亚型,其中以多药耐药基因为主。质粒、整合子、转座子和插入序列等可移动遗传元件(MGEs)在近海养殖水体中也大量存在。致病组、抗生素抗性组和可移动组的共现网络分析表明:大部分的致病菌可能是多药耐药基因或多种ARGs的潜在宿主,同时各种致病菌之间可能也存在高频率的基因水平转移。所有这些发现增强了我们对近海养殖水体是ARGs和MGEs的储存库和滋生与传播抗生素耐药致病菌的温床的认知。


With the rapid growth of aquaculture globally, large amounts of antibiotics have been used to treat aquatic disease, which may accelerate induction and spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in aquaculture environments. Herein, metagenomic and 16S rRNA analyses were used to analyze the potentials and co-occurrence patterns of pathogenome (culturable and unculturable pathogens), antibiotic resistome (ARGs), and mobilome (mobile genetic elements (MGEs)) from mariculture waters near 5000 km coast of South China. Total 207 species of pathogens were identified, with only 10 culturable species. Furthermore, more pathogen species were detected in mariculture waters than those in coastal waters, and mariculture waters were prone to become reservoirs of unculturable pathogens. In addition, 913 subtypes of 21 ARG types were also identified, with multidrug resistance genes as the majority. MGEs including plasmids, integrons, transposons, and insertion sequences were abundantly present in mariculture waters. The co-occurrence network pattern between pathogenome, antibiotic resistome, and mobilome suggested that most of pathogens may be potential multidrug resistant hosts, possibly due to high frequency of horizontal gene transfer. These findings increase our understanding of mariculture waters as reservoirs of antibiotic resistome and mobilome, and as yet another hotbed for creation and transfer of new antibiotic-resistant pathogenome.

