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我室主任安太成教授等在Fundamental Research杂志上发表关于“生物气溶胶在线检测方法研究进展”方面的综述

发布日期:2024-05-28              点击:

近日,广东工业大学环境科学与工程学院、环境健康与污染控制研究院安太成教授团队在国家基金委主办的Fundamental Research(2024, 4: 442-454)期刊上发表题为《Recent progress in online detection methods of bioaerosols》的特邀综述论文(https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fmre.2023.05.012) 上。该论文是安太成教授受邀参加304期双清论坛“大气中病毒和微生物传播的监测和预警”特邀在Fundamental Research期刊上出版专辑中的其中一篇论文论文的第一作者和通讯作者为安太成教授,其他作者还包括梁志梳副教授、陈镇硕士生和李桂英教授等。








The aerosol transmission of coronavirus disease in 2019, along with the spread of other respiratory diseases, caused significant loss of life and property; it impressed upon us the importance of real-time bioaerosol detection. The complexity, diversity, and large spatiotemporal variability of bioaerosols and their external/internal mixing with abiotic components pose challenges for effective online bioaerosol monitoring. Traditional methods focus on directly capturing bioaerosols before subsequent time-consuming laboratory analysis such as culture-based methods, preventing the high-resolution time-based characteristics necessary for an online approach. Through a comprehensive literature assessment, this review highlights and discusses the most commonly used real-time bioaerosol monitoring techniques and the associated commercially available monitors. Methods applied in online bioaerosol monitoring, including adenosine triphosphate bioluminescence, laser/light-induced fluorescence spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and bioaerosol mass spectrometry are summarized. The working principles, characteristics, sensitivities, and efficiencies of these real-time detection methods are compared to understand their responses to known particle types and to contrast their differences. Approaches developed to analyze the substantial data sets obtained by these instruments and to overcome the limitations of current real-time bioaerosol monitoring technologies are also introduced. Finally, an outlook is proposed for future instrumentation indicating a need for highly revolutionized bioaerosol detection technologies.


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