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发布日期:2023-02-13              点击:

近日,广东工业大学环境健康与污染控制研究院、环境科学与工程学院李桂英教授、安太成教授团队在工业园周边室内外生物气溶胶的分布特征及其净化器对其健康风险削减方面取得的最新研究进展,研究成果以《Bioaerosols in an industrial park and the adjacent houses: Dispersal between indoor/outdoor, the impact of air purifier, and health risk reduction》为题发表在Environment International (2023, 172, 107778)期刊上。论文第一作者为硕士生张思梦,通讯作者为李桂英教授。生物气溶胶是重要的无处不在的空气污染物,但人们对工业园及其周边地区室内外的生物气溶胶的分布特征及来源却知之甚少。在这项研究中,我们采集了电子垃圾拆解工业园区以及周边居民区室内外的空气样本,以评估工业园区对周边地区生物气溶胶的污染情况及其对居民的健康风险影响,阐明多个室内环境中生物气溶胶的污染状况及其来源,并在此基础上评估空气净化器对室内生物气溶胶的污染和健康风险削减情况。本研究将为工业园区生物气溶胶暴露风险及其控制研究提供重要数据支撑。





Inhaling airborne pathogens may cause severe epidemics showing huge threats to indoor dwellings residents. The ventilation, environmental parameters, and human activities would affect the abundance and pathogenicity of bioaerosols in indoor. However, people know little about the indoor airborne microbes especially pathogens near the industrial park polluted with organics and heavy metals. Herein, the indoor bioaerosols’ community composition, source and influencing factors near an electronic waste (e-waste) industrial park were investigated. Results showed that the average bioaerosol level in the morning was lower than evening. Bioaerosol concentration and activity in indoor (1936 CFU/m3 and 7.62 × 105 ng/m3 sodium fluorescein in average) were lower than the industrial park (4043 CFU/m3 and 7.77 × 105 ng/m3 sodium fluorescein), and higher microbial viability may be caused by other pollutants generated during e-waste dismantling process. Fluorescent biological aerosol particles occupied 17.6%−23.7% of total particles, indicating that most particles were non-biological. Bacterial communities were richer and more diverse than fungi. Furthermore, Bacillus and Cladosporium were the dominant indoor pathogens, and pathogenic fungi were more influenced by environmental factors than bacteria. SourceTracker analysis indicates that outdoor was the main source of indoor bioaerosols. The hazard quotient (<1) of airborne microbes through inhalation was negligible, but long-term exposure to pathogens could be harmful. Air purifiers could effectively remove the airborne fungi and spheroid bacteria than cylindrical bacteria, but open doors and windows would reduce the purification efficiency. This study is great important for risk assessments and control of indoor bioaerosols near industrial park.

