近日,广东工业大学环境健康与污染控制研究院、环境科学与工程学院安太成教授团队在大气有机胺非均相氧化及其辐射强迫效应影响方面取得重要进展。研究成果以“Cooling radiative forcing effect enhancement of atmospheric amines-mineral particle caused by heterogeneous uptake and oxidation (https://egusphere.copernicus.org/preprints/2024/egusphere-2024-1048/)为题发表在Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (2024, 24(16), 9019–9030)”期刊上。论文主要作者为我院张维娜副教授和硕士生麦建铧等,通讯作者为安太成教授。
Warming radiative forcing effect (RFE) derived from atmospheric amines attracts lots of attentions because of their contributions to brown carbons. Herein, the enhanced influence of amines (methyl-, dimethyl-, and trimethylamine) on cooling RFE of mineral particles is first confirmed at visible wavelengths. Present results state heterogeneous uptake and oxidation reactions of atmospheric amines are feasible on mineral particle at clean/polluted conditions, which are proofed by related thermodynamics and kinetics data obtained using combined classical molecular dynamics and density function theory methods. Based on mineral particles, simple forcing efficiency (SFE) results explain that amine uptake induces at least 11.8% – 29.5% enhancement on cooling RFE of amine-mineral particles at visible wavelengths. After amines’ heterogeneous oxidation, oxidized amine-mineral particles’ cooling RFE are furthermore enhanced due to increased oxygen contents. Moreover, oxidized amine-mineral particles under clean condition shows 27.1% – 47.1% SFE increment at 400-600 nm, which is at least 11.3% higher than that of itself under polluted condition, due to high-oxygen-content product formation through amine autoxidation. Our results suggest cooling RFE derived from atmospheric amines can be equally important to their warming RFE on atmosphere. It is necessary to update heterogeneous oxidation mechanism and kinetics data of amines in atmospheric model in order to accurately evaluate the whole RFE caused by amines on atmosphere.
上一条:我室顾建伟教授等在EP杂志上发表“居民室内-外NO2动态变化的连续测量及对人体暴露的贡献”最新学术论文 下一条:我室博士生夏隆基等在WR杂志上发表“光催化能否抑制种间细菌合作抑制水环境中复杂细菌生物膜的形成?”最新学术论文